Thank you Dad! I have not seen Elder Ogden yet. If he is at the CTM I will surely see him tonight at dinner or devo. The story behind the CTM is really neat!! Thank you for your happy birthday wishes and all the nice things you have said about me! :) I am going to read the other email I got from you right now and write all my things from this week there! Eu amo voce!!
Part II
So scriptures I liked this week: Heb 4 10 Mat 11 29 Sacrament prayer in Moroni 4 and 5 I like those because we are told that we should remember Christ, witness in our lives that we remember Christ and then we are able to always have the Holy Ghost to be with us. In the bible dictionary we read that the Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead so if we are righteous we can always have the presence of a God with us. It is imparitive as missionaries that we are our best selves while serving the Lord.
Yesterday our class made a pact to only speak portuguese for the rest of the time while we are at the CTM. We can only speak ingles when we are in the temple. We went proselyting this week. It was fun, and a good learning experience. Everyone was able to hand out all of their Livro de Mormons (24 in total) except for us. We gave out all except one, which thankfully our teacher handed to someone on our walk back to the CTM. Brasileros are so nice.
I memorized Mat 11 29 in portuguese on my way home from the temple today! SO far our district has memorized the first vision , our missionary purpose, and the baptismal commitment questions. I love out teachers, they are amzing. Today Irmao Allen brought his wife to the temple with us so we could meet her. It was a lot of fun.
Only two more weeks!! Then its off to Manaus! Wahooo! I am so excited! I have made such good friends with all of the people in my district it will be hard to leave them all. Will someone please tell Kirsten Williams to email me? Obrigada :) Last sunday we learned a lot about being one with our companions and it has really help me and Sister Sperry in our teaching.
I am sending you guys, well mostly Ryan, a letter today with the chart I told him about and some more advice for teaching investigators. I have made so many friend here at the CTM. I love it. Every night I try and pray for the Lord to bless me with the love He has for all of His children. It's amazing how much I love the people here. Its such a blessing :) :) :)
I can;t really think of much else to say, so I;m going to send mom a nice email to her school address since she hasnt gotten on yet. :) I love you all so so so so so much!!!!!! You are the best family I could ever ask for! My district and I are going to celebrate my birthday today! We are going to go to Mr. Cheneys and eat some brownies with Ice cream. Then Friday morning Elder Wood is insisting on making me a brakfast panini, if they have bananas. His panini is bananas and melted milky ways... so essential bananas and nutella in a nice warm biscuit. I love the food here, and I have been told that when we arrive in Manaus we get to do a session in portuguese at the temple and then get to try all of the local food at the mission home. :) :) <3
Sister Chatwin